Holos Hope

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does Holos Hope mean?
    Holos is the Greek word meaning “complete” or “whole.” It translates to complete hope.
  • Are there other programs in the area providing the same services?
    No. We are the 1st program of its kind in Northwest Alabama
  • Are there ways to volunteer?
    Absolutely! Our volunteers serve our residents in many ways including but not limited to leading prayer groups and Bible studies, art groups, assisting in transportation, and more.
  • How do women come into our program?
    Women are referred by other service organizations, law enforcement, self-referral, and other national network organizations
  • Who do we serve?
    – Women who have lived through human trafficking or prostitution and addiction.
    – Women ages 19-45
    – Women who have completed a 90-day inpatient program.